The Fourth Day of Christmas – IELTS Reading

Twelve Top Tips for IELTS


Wow! The main part of Christmas is over but we are all still celebrating! This period between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve is a chance to say goodbye to the old year and think about the new one. It’s a time when people start to think about New Year resolutions and how they will change things for the coming year.



Maybe your target for 2018 will be to get your IELTS exam score once and for all! I’d love to help you with that and will tell you how that can be an option for you at the end of this email.

On this fourth day of Christmas, I want to take a look at something you can do to change your IELTS Reading

This is my favourite topic to teach. I love to show my students the relationships between the questions and the text and in many ways it is a voyage of discovery trying to explore the text to find just the right fit for the answer.

Mastering the reading can take a little time and the better you are at understanding sentence structure the better you will do in this part of the test.

The key skill that will help you to improve your reading skills is to spend more time on the questions than on the text. Yes, the clue to the answers lies not so much in the text as in the questions and a careful analysis of these will help you find more accurate answers. Not only this, but it will really help you with the speed as well.

So to make sure you find accurate answers and improve your speed every time you must learn how to analyse the questions well and pick out just the right key words.

And I can help you with this too – key words are a vital skill in IELTS Reading.

So to help make your dreams come true in 2018, I want to offer you the chance to work with me and my team in January.

I am setting aside time during the start of 2018 to speak to you personally about getting the help you need to get the IELTS score you want.

To get one of these Skype appointments you need to complete this questionnaire:


I will be giving a special IELTS Christmas gift to those who complete the questionnaire and book a Skype call.


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