MCQ in Listening is a topic that keeps rearing its ugly head over and over. I have said much on this topic and I keep, nevertheless, getting questions almost every day about how to manage these questions. So here again is the step by step way of dealing with MCQ.Focus on the stem of the […]
Continue readingI am sure that you have experienced the problem of hearing the correct answers in IELTS Listening just to find out that your recording of them on the answer sheet is not exactly the same as the key and frustratingly your overall score is much lower than it should be! This is indeed a tragedy […]
Continue readingWhen it comes to IELTS Listening, the one question I keep getting asked over and over is how to manage the MCQ questions. I have noticed that these are occurring more and more in Section 4 and they can be quite tricky when they are in the later sections of the listening test. My approach to […]
Continue readingIn my experience the Listening part of the IELTS exam improves faster than the other parts for most students if they practise regularly. For a few students there may be some fundamental problems that cause some issues and these can be diagnosed and rectified by asking an IELTS teacher. There are nevertheless, some aspects of […]
Continue readingWow! The main part of Christmas is over but we are all still celebrating! This period between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve is a chance to say goodbye to the old year and think about the new one. It’s a time when people start to think about New Year resolutions and how they […]
Continue readingThere is no special name for today but after the first two days – which are public holidays – some people have to go back to work. Those who are lucky to have a longer holiday (or if it’s a weekend) will continue to visit friends and family, have or go to parties. […]
Continue readingToday is called Boxing Day! A funny name and it has nothing to do with boxing! Christmas boxes are gifts of money that were (and still are sometimes) given to people who help us year round – the postman, the milkman or other tradesmen. Traditionally this was the day that they would receive these […]
Continue readingWhen you focus on things they improve – this is a fact and for anybody who needs an overall score of say band 7 or 7.5 or an overall score with a minimum of 7 in each part (which is commonly asked for from medical professionals) then the listening part is probably your best bet […]
Continue readingSo what is the problem with MCQ in the listening test? Well, the listening test itself is a real exercise in multi-tasking. Not only do you have to listen carefully but you also have to read the questions and write down the answers simultaneously. There is a lot to do. The main focus must be […]
Continue readingAnyone who has ever studied a second language in a classroom and then had the experience of speaking with a native speaker in a real conversation can tell you; the real thing is so much harder to understand! You might think that you are fluent in French until you are greeted by your waiter at […]
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